What we do


… is about getting your material out there. You have a story and you want to bring it to the marketplace. I will help you do that.

… is real input. Every writer must have gone through the “development hell” at least once in their life. But over and over again? That makes no sense. I am not going to give you general “feel-good tips”, but practical, straightforward, clear ideas about what is missing in your story and where to put it.

… is about getting it done. It is great if you found your voice, but if you did not find it (yet) that is ok, too. In the meantime, it is important to get your material out there.

… is hands-on. I am convinced that every story has its right shape and its right place. If you wrote a story and worked on it a lot, it is not always easy to see that shape and that place. I will help you get a clear vision of where you stand and where to go from here.

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